Halfmoon - Joy-a-Toes: Bring Your Feet To Life!

joy-a-toes: bring your feet to life!

Emily Sproule | Jun 24, 2011 | minute read

It is a known fact that wearing tight or improperly fitted shoes can cause bunions, heel pain, back pain, neck pain, and the list goes on.

Let’s face it- shoes are messing up the perfectly balanced, coordinated bipedal gait that our species evolved over millions of years.

Well, what if we told you that you could wear your favourite shoes and have healthy, happy feet! The solution? Joy-a-Toes.


They are toe spreaders made of a comfortable gel material that can be worn around the house, out and about in certain footwear, and during your yoga practice.

Features and Benefits of Joy-a-toes:
• rejuvenate tired, achy and swollen feet
• realign the bones and soft tissue
• stimulate circulation
• increase flexibility and strength
• open the energy channels and revitalize the body

Joy-a-Toes are the most versatile patented toe spreader on the market. Designed by Gioia Irwin, a well-known yogi who spent many years perfecting both the design and the materials to bring us this amazing product.

Joy-a-Toes 2

As with anything new, there is a period of adjustment when you initially start to wear your
Joy-a-Toes. Gioia suggests wearing them 5 to 20 minutes three times a day to allow your feet to realign and open. As your feet adjust, you will be able to wear them for longer periods of time.

Joy-a-toes can be the foundation for that change you are looking for – free your feet, one toe at a time.

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